Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of BWC, V, VDA, VDA, VFF, VGA, VGA, VIC, VI

File Type:BeadWizard color palette
Category:Bitmap image
File Description:BeadWizard is designed by beadworkers, for beadworkers.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  irfan skiljan

IrfanView is a very fast, small, compact and innovative FREEWARE (for non-commercial use) graphic viewer for Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista.

It is trying to be simple for beginners and powerful for professionals.

IrfanView is trying to create new and/or interesting features in its own way, unlike some other graphic viewers, whose whole "creativity" is based on feature cloning, stealing of ideas and whole dialogs from ACDSee and/or IrfanView! (for example: XnView has been stealing/cloning features and whole dialogs from IrfanView, for 8+ years).

IrfanView was the first Windows graphic viewer WORLDWIDE with Multiple (animated) GIF support.

One of the first graphic viewers WORLDWIDE with Multipage TIF support.

The first graphic viewer WORLDWIDE with Multiple ICO support.

Some IrfanView features:

  •     Many supported file formats (click here the list of formats)
  •     Multi language support
  •     Thumbnail/preview option
  •     Paint option - to draw lines, circles, arrows, straighten image etc.
  •     Toolbar skins option
  •     Slideshow (save slideshow as EXE/SCR or burn it to CD)
  •     Show EXIF/IPTC/Comment text in Slideshow/Fullscreen etc.
  •     Support for Adobe Photoshop Filters
  •     Fast directory view (moving through directory)
  •     Batch conversion (with image processing)
  •     Multipage TIF editing
  •     File search
  •     Email option
  •     Multimedia player
  •     Print option
  •     Support for embedded color profiles in JPG/TIF
  •     Change color depth
  •     Scan (batch scan) support
  •     Cut/crop
  •     IPTC editing
  •     Effects (Sharpen, Blur, Adobe 8BF, Filter Factory, Filters Unlimited, etc.)
  •     Capturing
  •     Extract icons from EXE/DLL/ICLs
  •     Lossless JPG rotation
  •     Unicode support
  •     Many hotkeys
  •     Many command line options
  •     Many PlugIns
  •     Only one EXE-File, no DLLs, no Shareware messages like "I Agree" or "Evaluation expired"
  •     No registry changes without user action/permission!
  •     and much much more
File Type:Subsampled raw YUV bitmap image
Category:Bitmap image
File Description:One of three files from a split PPM file. Others are .U and .Y files. YUV representation is used by the Stanford MPEG codec.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Apple, Inc.

Apple QuickTime

The QuickTime family of digital media creation, delivery and playback software lets you deliver live or pre-recorded video and audio to an audience of any size. When combined with QuickTime Player and QuickTime Pro, these applications work together to provide the industry’s first end-to-end, standards-based digital media delivery system.

File Type:Truevision Targa bitmap image
Category:Bitmap image
File Description:This is a format for storing bitmaps that was developed in conjunction with a number of video capture and graphics adapter boards for the PC and Macintosh. The format has thus become popular in the world of still-video editing. The format was revised in 1989 to add support for new capabilities (thus there are "original" and "new" TGA formats). Fortunately, the "new" format is a superset of the "original", and many applications, even those designed around the "original" format, can read both types of files. TGA files can contain monochrome images, color images with a palette, and 16-bit, 24-bit and 32-bit TrueColor images. 16-bit images, are usually the most commonly encountered. TGA files can be uncompressed, or compressed using a Run-length compression scheme. The "new" TARGA format also can store additional information, including information about when/how the file was created, application specific data, and a thumbnail version of the main image known as a "Postage-stamp image".
Vista Truevision Targa bitmap image. See .tga file extension .
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Pierre.e Gougelet

XnView is a utility for viewing and converting graphic files.

It has the features :

* Import about 400 graphic file formats
* Export about 50 graphic file formats
* Multipage TIFF, Animated GIF, Animated ICO support
* Image IPTC, EXIF metadata support
* EXIF auto rotation support
* IPTC editing
* Resize, rotate, crop support
* Lossless rotate & crop (jpeg) support
* Adjust brightness, contrast...
* Auto levels, contrast
* Modify number of colors
* Apply filters (blur, average, emboss, ...)
* Apply effects (lens, wave, ...)
* Fullscreen mode
* Slide show with effects
* Batch convert, batch rename
* Create WEB page easily
* Screen capture
* Create contact Sheet
* Create or edit Multi-page file (TIFF, DCX, LDF)
* TWAIN & WIA support (Windows only)
* Print support (Windows only)
* Drag & Drop support (Windows only)
* Compare image side by side
* Filmstrip layout
* 44 languages support (Windows only)
* And many many other things..
* No Adware, No Spyware

XnView is provided as FREEWARE for private non-commercial or educational use (including non-profit organization).

File Type:Video Display Adapter image format
Category:Bitmap image
File Description:Probably old file extension or not supported application.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Pierre.e Gougelet

XnView is a utility for viewing and converting graphic files.

It has the features :

* Import about 400 graphic file formats
* Export about 50 graphic file formats
* Multipage TIFF, Animated GIF, Animated ICO support
* Image IPTC, EXIF metadata support
* EXIF auto rotation support
* IPTC editing
* Resize, rotate, crop support
* Lossless rotate & crop (jpeg) support
* Adjust brightness, contrast...
* Auto levels, contrast
* Modify number of colors
* Apply filters (blur, average, emboss, ...)
* Apply effects (lens, wave, ...)
* Fullscreen mode
* Slide show with effects
* Batch convert, batch rename
* Create WEB page easily
* Screen capture
* Create contact Sheet
* Create or edit Multi-page file (TIFF, DCX, LDF)
* TWAIN & WIA support (Windows only)
* Print support (Windows only)
* Drag & Drop support (Windows only)
* Compare image side by side
* Filmstrip layout
* 44 languages support (Windows only)
* And many many other things..
* No Adware, No Spyware

XnView is provided as FREEWARE for private non-commercial or educational use (including non-profit organization).

File Type:Sun TAAC bitmap image file
Category:Bitmap image
File Description:File extension used by Sun operating systems for Sun TAAC bitmap images.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Pierre.e Gougelet

XnView is a utility for viewing and converting graphic files.

It has the features :

* Import about 400 graphic file formats
* Export about 50 graphic file formats
* Multipage TIFF, Animated GIF, Animated ICO support
* Image IPTC, EXIF metadata support
* EXIF auto rotation support
* IPTC editing
* Resize, rotate, crop support
* Lossless rotate & crop (jpeg) support
* Adjust brightness, contrast...
* Auto levels, contrast
* Modify number of colors
* Apply filters (blur, average, emboss, ...)
* Apply effects (lens, wave, ...)
* Fullscreen mode
* Slide show with effects
* Batch convert, batch rename
* Create WEB page easily
* Screen capture
* Create contact Sheet
* Create or edit Multi-page file (TIFF, DCX, LDF)
* TWAIN & WIA support (Windows only)
* Print support (Windows only)
* Drag & Drop support (Windows only)
* Compare image side by side
* Filmstrip layout
* 44 languages support (Windows only)
* And many many other things..
* No Adware, No Spyware

XnView is provided as FREEWARE for private non-commercial or educational use (including non-profit organization).

File Type:OS/2 bitmap image
Category:Bitmap image
File Description:File extension is used in IBM OS/2 operating system. File contains bitmap image.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  IBM Corporation


OS/2 is a computer operating system, initially created by Microsoft and IBM, then later developed by IBM exclusively. The name stands for "Operating System/2," because it was introduced as part of the same generation change release as IBM's "Personal System/2 (PS/2)" line of second-generation Personal Computers. OS/2 is no longer marketed by IBM, and IBM standard support for OS/2 was discontinued on December 31, 2006. Currently, Serenity Systems sells OS/2 under the brand name eComStation.

OS/2 was intended as a protected mode successor of PC-DOS and Microsoft Windows. Notably, basic system calls were modeled after MS-DOS calls; their names even started with "Dos" and it was possible to create "Family Mode" applications: text mode applications that could work on both systems. Because of this heritage, OS/2 is like Windows in many ways, but it also shares similarities with Unix and Xenix.

OS/2 is also remembered for being one of the first major operating system to have its own advocacy group. Team OS/2 was a grassroots, ad-hoc organization of volunteers, who promoted and supported the operating system and applications designed for it.

File Type:Microsoft Windows bitmap image
Category:Bitmap image
File Description:The same as .bmp .
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Pierre.e Gougelet

XnView is a utility for viewing and converting graphic files.

It has the features :

* Import about 400 graphic file formats
* Export about 50 graphic file formats
* Multipage TIFF, Animated GIF, Animated ICO support
* Image IPTC, EXIF metadata support
* EXIF auto rotation support
* IPTC editing
* Resize, rotate, crop support
* Lossless rotate & crop (jpeg) support
* Adjust brightness, contrast...
* Auto levels, contrast
* Modify number of colors
* Apply filters (blur, average, emboss, ...)
* Apply effects (lens, wave, ...)
* Fullscreen mode
* Slide show with effects
* Batch convert, batch rename
* Create WEB page easily
* Screen capture
* Create contact Sheet
* Create or edit Multi-page file (TIFF, DCX, LDF)
* TWAIN & WIA support (Windows only)
* Print support (Windows only)
* Drag & Drop support (Windows only)
* Compare image side by side
* Filmstrip layout
* 44 languages support (Windows only)
* And many many other things..
* No Adware, No Spyware

XnView is provided as FREEWARE for private non-commercial or educational use (including non-profit organization).

File Type:Vicar graphics file
Category:Bitmap image
File Description:
(VICAR - Video Image Communication and Retrieval)
This is a bitmap format that is used to store astronomical images, especially on CD-ROMs of images from the Voyager and Magellan space missions.
The data usually has 8-bit color depth and is not compressed.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Pierre.e Gougelet

XnView is a utility for viewing and converting graphic files.

It has the features :

* Import about 400 graphic file formats
* Export about 50 graphic file formats
* Multipage TIFF, Animated GIF, Animated ICO support
* Image IPTC, EXIF metadata support
* EXIF auto rotation support
* IPTC editing
* Resize, rotate, crop support
* Lossless rotate & crop (jpeg) support
* Adjust brightness, contrast...
* Auto levels, contrast
* Modify number of colors
* Apply filters (blur, average, emboss, ...)
* Apply effects (lens, wave, ...)
* Fullscreen mode
* Slide show with effects
* Batch convert, batch rename
* Create WEB page easily
* Screen capture
* Create contact Sheet
* Create or edit Multi-page file (TIFF, DCX, LDF)
* TWAIN & WIA support (Windows only)
* Print support (Windows only)
* Drag & Drop support (Windows only)
* Compare image side by side
* Filmstrip layout
* 44 languages support (Windows only)
* And many many other things..
* No Adware, No Spyware

XnView is provided as FREEWARE for private non-commercial or educational use (including non-profit organization).

File Type:Jovian Logic VI bitmap image
Category:Bitmap image
File Description:Bitmap image (Jovian Logic VI video capture board).
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Pierre.e Gougelet

XnView is a utility for viewing and converting graphic files.

It has the features :

* Import about 400 graphic file formats
* Export about 50 graphic file formats
* Multipage TIFF, Animated GIF, Animated ICO support
* Image IPTC, EXIF metadata support
* EXIF auto rotation support
* IPTC editing
* Resize, rotate, crop support
* Lossless rotate & crop (jpeg) support
* Adjust brightness, contrast...
* Auto levels, contrast
* Modify number of colors
* Apply filters (blur, average, emboss, ...)
* Apply effects (lens, wave, ...)
* Fullscreen mode
* Slide show with effects
* Batch convert, batch rename
* Create WEB page easily
* Screen capture
* Create contact Sheet
* Create or edit Multi-page file (TIFF, DCX, LDF)
* TWAIN & WIA support (Windows only)
* Print support (Windows only)
* Drag & Drop support (Windows only)
* Compare image side by side
* Filmstrip layout
* 44 languages support (Windows only)
* And many many other things..
* No Adware, No Spyware

XnView is provided as FREEWARE for private non-commercial or educational use (including non-profit organization).

File Type:Khoros Visualization bitmap image
Category:Bitmap image
File Description:Khoros Visualization Image File Format.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Pierre.e Gougelet

XnView is a utility for viewing and converting graphic files.

It has the features :

* Import about 400 graphic file formats
* Export about 50 graphic file formats
* Multipage TIFF, Animated GIF, Animated ICO support
* Image IPTC, EXIF metadata support
* EXIF auto rotation support
* IPTC editing
* Resize, rotate, crop support
* Lossless rotate & crop (jpeg) support
* Adjust brightness, contrast...
* Auto levels, contrast
* Modify number of colors
* Apply filters (blur, average, emboss, ...)
* Apply effects (lens, wave, ...)
* Fullscreen mode
* Slide show with effects
* Batch convert, batch rename
* Create WEB page easily
* Screen capture
* Create contact Sheet
* Create or edit Multi-page file (TIFF, DCX, LDF)
* TWAIN & WIA support (Windows only)
* Print support (Windows only)
* Drag & Drop support (Windows only)
* Compare image side by side
* Filmstrip layout
* 44 languages support (Windows only)
* And many many other things..
* No Adware, No Spyware

XnView is provided as FREEWARE for private non-commercial or educational use (including non-profit organization).

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC